(post)Summer update from e2

Welcome to the new e2 weeknotes section where we will be updating more regularly on our progress behind the scenes. We’ve had a busy summer working with projects across Merseyside and further afield in Malaysia, Brazil and Europe to test out ideas and form new collaborations.

Our summer began in Portugal where we undertook a fortnight's residency at the wonderful Studio 459 in Tomar. This gave us the chance to completely rethink all of our work so far with Cesium.js, integrating new UI libraries in Shadcn-Svelte and developing a range of backend tools that manage data across the application and toolkits we are developing.

We used the residency and the time and space it offered to compile and integrate all of our proof-of-concepts into one application that supports grassroots and citizen landscape data production.

We have since used this collection of code to develop collaborations and capacity building efforts between several citizen and grassroots organisations in order to support them to gather and make use of landscape data and digital twin technologies within their own projects and strategies.

In our final update, in August we managed to move into a new office space at the wonderful Metal Liverpool, a national arts organisation who have been instrumental in supporting our development in the past and who continue to produce a range of amazing community centred arts projects in the city of Liverpool.

Our new office space is housed between the train platforms at Edge Hill Station.

It is an exciting new chapter here at e2 and hopefully this is just one of many regular updates to follow on our work.

Pura vida

Adam e2