FACT Futures was commissioned by FACT Liverpool and SHIFT Digital, a Cheshire East Council initative. An applied research project to deliver ‘Fab Lab’ style creative and digital activities to young people aged 14-19 and at public events in order to showcase technology and stimulate growth in creative and digital activity in the region. This engaged 186 young people in deep engagement activity and over 1000 members of the public.

Design and delivery of activities with 3D printers, laser cutters and craft materials to make and remix future rural landscapes - a family friendly activity at festivals.

Email for a free copy of the learning resource.


Futures Landscape Building

This delivered a series of four workshops with an A-Level DT group and a GCSE DT group at an all girls school. In this the young people learned how to ‘make’ an IoT pollution sensor, access open data, design an enclosure and learn how to use the data. This supported learning on climate change, STEM subjects and design thinking.

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IoT Air Pollution


In conjunction with Visyon, a Cheshire-based counselling service, we delivered resources for young people to discuss and document strategies for wellbeing using VR headset, 360 cameras and craft materials


Using a Samsung 360 camera, HTC Vive Headset and craft materials young people developed a virtual space where they could represent their responses to the topic of wellbeing. They created 360 films for friends and family to see and embedded things like music, images and objects in their spaces.

VR and 360 Film in Youth Counselling

Futures Landscape Kit


This project created an open source futures landscape learning resource for schools. Using a laser cutter, 3D printer and LED strip schools can download and make the kit to use in lessons. The kit presents four different scenarios of landscapes in 2050 and acts as a tool to stimulate discussion, forecasting and provides resources to develop custom landscapes in response. If you are interested in downloading for your school please get in touch.


Selected Ambient Air: Taipei