e2: Gaia Visualised

e2 is a platform for creating live and archival records of land-state

we use a geospatial interface to organise and present data at the intersection of climate adaptation and culture

our toolset allows you to manage and visualise spatial data from IoT sensors, satellites and geolocated media sources

we partner with IoT developers, researchers and land based projects to improve the data lifecycle to make greater use of geospatial data

Our IoT partners Dales Land Net are exploring soil temperature and moisture in peatlands of North England

e2: For Sensemakers

We provide a full stack solution and API for creating an managing data

Our code base uses the powerful Cesium.js engine and its capability for visualising spatial data

Our solution connects the Thingsboard API with Cesium; allowing sensor manufacturers and users to interact with their data in new ways

We provide access to a database and utilities to make greater use of data produced from landscapes

e2: for IoT Hardware

We provide an API and database that links to Cesium.js that allows you to produce time-dynamic visualisations of your data records

Our platform reduces hours of work by automating the process of data visualisation

This allows your data to have a greater impact on clients and communities by making information more intelligible and engaging

We aim to democratise data science and increase participation so that data can have a greater impact on adaptation and mitigation efforts across the world

Visualisation of Air Quality in Liverpool, produced in collaboration University of Liverpool

Demonstration of a geospatial version of Cinema Nation’s Tag L8 film archive

e2: Geospatial Archives

Our API also allows users to organise collections whether they are cultural or ecologically related

We have worked to explore the potential of geospatial archives through our platform

Our codebase allows for media files to be loaded and curated online along with metadata

Whether ecological field data or community film archives we are currently looking for ways to present media collections in this format

e2: Learning Insights

We provide access to the Cesium.js engine as well as Satellite APIs to provide geolocated intelligence

Our learning suite will support non-expert users to make greater use of remote sensing data

We explore the possibility of cross referencing data sources to improve decision making on climate adaptation and mitigation

Our past projects have collaborated with schools, arts organisations and universities to explore how we can support learning and engage audiences with data

Satellite timelapse of the Great Green Wall project in Senegal.

e2: Open Landscape Data

As well as providing these custom pipelines we build on the Cesium engines ability to present geospatial data availabile on the web

We aim to build on best practices for Open Data on the web to support education and political transparency

We are available to support projects in research, education, goverment and grassroots to make their data stories more impactful

Whether working with GeoJSON, KML or a host of other formats we aim to build on and improve the impact of existing and emerging data

Open data of logging permits in Borneo (Source: Global Forest Watch)